NASSCOM is India’s leading non-profit trade organization for IT services. Established in 1988 with 38 members, NASSCOM has witnessed a steady growth in its member strength which has reached 950 members globally over 16 years. NASSCOM members include companies in various IT related industries such as software development, software products and services and even IT enabled services (ITES).
NACCCOM has strived to make India world’s powerhouse in IT and ITES. The organization has been a catalyst in the growth of these sectors by carrying out the following functions:
Partnership with the government: NASSCOM acts as an advisor to the Indian government at the centre as well as state levels. With adequate representation in various ministries of the government, the organization ensures that the government frames industry friendly policies. It also forms partnerships at the global level for promoting the Indian IT and ITES industries1.
Research on IT and ITES: NASSCOM conducts in depth research on the IT and ITES industries to keep its members well aware of the global trends, best practices, threats and opportunities.
Support for quality products and services: NASSCOM encourages its members to maintain high quality of products and services with the aim of developing global public confidence for its members and the industry. It also helps the members achieve international quality certifications through regular seminars and workshops on quality standards.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: The organization is a strong proponent of intellectual property rights. It supports software anti piracy by setting up hotlines and facilitating law enforcement.
Reinforce the brand equity of Indian IT and ITES industries: NASSCOM organizes regular international seminars and conferences to build a brand for the Indian IT and ITES industries.
Increase talent pool in India: India has one of the largest talent pool in the world with 300,000 engineers and 2.1 million graduates being produced by its 11,200 higher education institutions each year. NASSCOM ensures that the quality and quantity of professionals in the country increases with time and that the country is able to cater to the global demand of IT and ITES outsourcing services.
Partnerships with member companies: The organization provides various services to its members such as the following:
Creating business opportunities and sharing of best practices knowledge through forums, seminars and conferences
Publishing research reports that provide the members counsel from leading industry analysts. The organization also maintains a database of member companies specifying their areas of expertise.
Providing information on global business norms on taxation, regulations, recruitment, etc.
1ITES is an ancillary sector of the IT industry in which companies provide various business services through the utilization of IT. ITES include services such as call centers, processing, transcription, accounting, etc. Read the report on Business Process Outsourcing for more details.